Generally speaking, good churches who are considered to be “like-minded” are split down the middle as it involves their view of women as deaconesses. Some say “absolutely not,” while others say “sure, why not.” We as Stellenbosch Bible Church have since our founding in the month of May, 2015, opted for the latter view when the church was constituted by one elder (yours truly) and three other families. Perhaps some might have been led to believe that we do not allow women to be deaconesses because of the absence of women deaconesses in our church. However, their absence in our current detachment of deacons has purely been for circumstantial reasons, in particular personal readiness and qualification of women who have since the church’s founding been identified and approached as potential deaconesses by the elder (1 Tim. 3:8-13).
Things have not changed since our founding days. So, in order to help those of you who were not members with us during that pioneering first year of our church, I’d like to briefly offer you the reasons for our acknowledgment of the legitimacy of deaconesses. Read the full article here
By Date
March 2024