Pastor / Elder: Lönngren TaljaardLönngren completed his pastoral studies at the Master's Seminary in 2010 after which the family soon relocated to South Africa. A few years of being associate pastor in several churches eventually led to the planting of Stellenbosch Bible Church. He has a passion for studying and expositing God's Word, training up men for the ministry, reaching the lost through evangelism, counseling from Scripture, all things church-related, and whatever the Lord through the pastoral ministry brings his way.
In addition to personal devotions and study, Lönngren is convinced that spending time in the Word with his wife and kids, enjoying meals together, and having fun as a family on a regular basis is what ultimately informs his ministering unto the members of SBC. |
Pastor / Elder: Norman Lawton

Norman grew up in Somerset West for most of his life and completed his studies in Business from the University of Stellenbosch in 2010. He met his beautiful wife, Elske, whom he's been married to since 2016, whilst attending the local Baptist Church in Somerset West. The Lord has graciously blessed them with three energetic daughters, Sybil, Vera (Twins) and Noella, and a son, Hatfield.
Norman has been fortunate enough to be under solid biblical teaching for most of his Christian walk and he takes great joy in studying and dedicating himself to God's word and knowing Him better through it. Norman met Lönngren in his previous church where Lönngren served as an associate pastor. They were then taken through the journey and privilege of planting Stellenbosch Bible Church together in 2015 where he assisted in being the Church Treasurer and a Bible Study leader. Through Lönngren's dedicated discipleship and training of Norman in the role of Eldership, Norman was placed, by the grace of God, in the position of Elder at Stellenbosch Bible Church in 2020.
Norman desires to honour our Lord by leading and loving his wife, training and loving his children in the instruction of the Lord, giving himself to the church, and in all things submitting all to Christ. Norman also enjoys training with boxing and kettlebells, and spending time with his family enjoying pizza and all things tasty.
Norman has been fortunate enough to be under solid biblical teaching for most of his Christian walk and he takes great joy in studying and dedicating himself to God's word and knowing Him better through it. Norman met Lönngren in his previous church where Lönngren served as an associate pastor. They were then taken through the journey and privilege of planting Stellenbosch Bible Church together in 2015 where he assisted in being the Church Treasurer and a Bible Study leader. Through Lönngren's dedicated discipleship and training of Norman in the role of Eldership, Norman was placed, by the grace of God, in the position of Elder at Stellenbosch Bible Church in 2020.
Norman desires to honour our Lord by leading and loving his wife, training and loving his children in the instruction of the Lord, giving himself to the church, and in all things submitting all to Christ. Norman also enjoys training with boxing and kettlebells, and spending time with his family enjoying pizza and all things tasty.
Pastor / Elder: Graham GuthrieGraham was born in Zimbabwe and emigrated as a young child to Greytown in KwaZulu Natal with his family. Graham was schooled at Weston Agricultural College and has spent a career in agriculture and real estate.
He met his lovely wife Lyzann in Greytown, and they married in 1994. Together they came to salvation in 1996, were baptised the same year, and have continued to grow together in faith ever since. In 1997 the Lord blessed Graham and Lyzann with a precious daughter, Melissa. Four years later the Lord again blessed their family with another precious daughter, Hannah, completing their quiver. The Guthries have an interesting life story full of ups and downs along the way, and all through which God has been incredibly merciful and gracious. They are a close family unit who are enjoying growing in grace and watching the Lord doing His marvelous work in their lives day-by-day. Graham shepherded Bible Baptist Church in Pietermaritzburg for a year during the early 2000s before moving the family to Cape Town. Graham came to know of Stellenbosch Bible Church in 2021 and was immediately drawn to its Statement of Faith, its diligent exposition of God’s Word, and unwavering leadership. He has continued to study the Word of God diligently and is blessed to be able to teach and serve as an elder in the church and a leader in one of the church’s weekly Bible Study groups. |